OM PRAKASH VERMA (b. 1948) obtained his Bachelors Degree in Chemical Engineering in 1970 and the Masters Degree in Business Administration in 1972 from Banaras Hindu University. While serving as a Business Executive (1973 – 1992) in several undertakings,  he studied Indian Scriptures over 2 decades, and later, continued his studies on other academic subjects for several years. He became first in the world to analyze the data and information of Indian Scriptures scientifically.  He quit his professional career in 1993 and devoted himself to finding answers to the questions boggling the human mind for millennia.

In the years that followed, he made discoveries and wrote books to illuminate humanity. His first title ‘The Real History of the Ancient World’ (2002) highlighted a 1970 million years antiquity of the human race, that was well received by readers all over the world. His next title ‘The Universe’ (2013) is a  set of interdisciplinary discoveries that aims to purge anomalies and speculations prevailing in the mainstream astrophysical sciences and to provide a replacement. His third Title ‘Nature’s Bio Laws of Action’ (2013) is a sequel to the Newton’s Laws of Motion. His fourth Title ‘21st Century Bhagavad-Gita’ (2013) bridges the gap between the science and religion.

These four titles combined together cover core points of knowledge a man must know. Verma has brought the high science subjects within the understanding level of a general reader. At present, he resides in Puri, leading a retired life.