

Though Discovery Books contain several hundreds of discoveries , some of them have impacted Political and Academic decisions. The following five significant and useful discoveries are mentioned as example.

1. National Geographic Nov, 2004: Accepted that humans have not descended from apes.

2. NASA Proves Our Hypothesis to be Correct: In April 20 NASA conducted a Mega Experiment on the Expansion of the Universe through its Chandra Space Telescope and found that our hypothesis printed in the book in 2013 to be correct and their own to be wrong.

3. Saving Adam’s Bridge (Ram Setu): Late Chief Minister M Karunanidhi intended to derange the Adam’s Bridge and demanded proof of Rama’s existence. We provided 5 scientific evidences and saved the Bridge.

4. Tracing River Saraswati: Despite spending several millions of Rupees Government of India was unable to trace the present location of River Saraswati. We have traced over 100 million years record of the river and presented the location of the river in our History Book.

5. Challenged and Defeated $10 Billion LHC EXPERIMENT: Conducted jointly by America, France, Sweden

6. Over 39000 Nobel Laureates, General readers, Scientists, Professors, Mathematicians have seen excerpts from
these books pointing out errors (including NASA and Einstein’s calculations) on Google without ever refuting for past 5 years.