How do you say that your 4 books cover all the knowledge in the universe?

Basically there are three groups of entities in the universe. Conscious, inert and mixed. These books contain full information about Conscious or God, Inert or Nature and Mixed or living entities from A to Z or From beginning to end.

How do we accept that these set of books are all time greatest?

The more a subject matter is permanent the more it is important and great. Thus body and its knowledge is more important than the head-ace and the knowledge of its cure. We study and our libraries are filled with books of those subject matters which are temporary as compared to the infinite universe and God.. These 4 books deal with such subject matters which are very permanent and are not likely to be superseded by anything else in future. No book or books of the libraries in the world provide answers to these fundamental questions on God, Nature, and Soul as this book does, hence all time greatest. For more discussion you may refer to The Real History of the Ancient World PP-285.

The ‘Time’ magazine ( Aug.2011), has compiled a list of ‘All Time Best Books’, in 16 different categories including science and non fiction, though the selection contains publications since 1923 . The list gives an amusing portray of bias attitude and lack of knowledge on the part of Juries as well as writers. Some of the books included in the list are ‘The emperor of all Maladies : A biography of Cancer’, ‘Dreams from My Father’, ‘The Naked Ape’ , ‘A Brief History of time’, ‘The Lives of a Cell’, ‘All the President Men’, ‘The General Theory’… These books have been immensely popular and best-sellers in the world, but before labeling all time best let us examine them on some rational criteria.
Any book to qualify as an all time best or greatest must have ten features ( given on page- 20) which in other words must be:

  1. Beneficial towards conducting life better,
  2. Infusing truth for expanding the mind’s horizon ( free from falsehood or fiction),
  3. Interesting features covering all the knowledge in the universe since beginning,
  4. Should not have any expiry date.

According to this criteria all fictional books which misguide life get disqualified, and other books qualify half part of the criteria 3 i.e. interesting features or entertaining. Tomorrow if the President’s men change or cancer becomes a curable diseases like T.B. people would react differently and the book would lose its greatness. Obviously the Juries and writers have not studied Indian Scriptures and the real science which takes long time to read and and therefore thy have and therefore they have recoursed to a limited selection.
The writing of Srimad Bhagavatam Maha Puran began 6 billion years ago with 4 verses heard by Brahma, the first proto man. Since then all subsequent events mysteries and knowledge were recorded in a single great book which now constitute Indian scriptures. Now the Indian Scriptures fusing with modern science have been rewritten and presented in English language by this author in his 4 books. It is for the people to judge the all time best and greatest book and inform the Time Magazine.

All Time Greatest Book

Do these books promote Hindu religion and culture?

These books deal with science and truth and promote universal religion, Hindus were custodians and followers of principles laid down in the scriptures on which these books are based.

What Qualification is required for reading and understanding of these books?

Academically Matriculation and intellectually a good common-sense reasoning. While general reader can understand the running text without much difficulty, some graduate level science knowledge and particularly physics, would be required for understanding of specific parts specially written in fine letters and supported with diagrams.

Are these books useful in life?

If you value freedom and immortality then certainly useful.

I enjoy reading novels and seeing flicks. Why should I sacrifice my enjoyment and devote time and energy in reading these stressful books?

Reading light books and recreation are necessary even in the practise of Yoga, but such activities do not enhance the quality of your life. Subjects like science and mathematics, though stressing but they widen mental capabilities and upgrade life. This is why President Bush and Obama urged American students to read science subjects. These mathematically light science books are directly relevant to life and are useful hence should be studied.